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On the 10th anniversary of the implementation of DANAB (National Students Plan for Saving Water), WRM Co.(Iran Water Resources Management Company) aims to expand the country’s literacy of water via a new plan based on  new published book at the curriculum of students, called “Human and Environment”.

The mentioned book (which is one of the results of the DANAB) is devised specifically for teaching in the 11th grade of education and in the first chapter discusses topics related to water resources and challenges.  Abangah cooperated in writing the first chapter of this book which has been teaching since current academic year all over the country.

At a ceremony that was held for the book on May 30th, the advisor of Minister of Energy and Managing Director of Iran Water Resources Management expressed order to start a new round of water literacy education, based on “Human and Environment” book and in this regard Abangah was commissioned to plan this educational project.