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Nowadays due to complicated water challenges and steady increase of demand while we face with decrease and limitation in supply, water conflicts could lead to strife and also could prepare the cooperation and partnership between different stakeholders! The determinative factors in this regard which could turn conflict to cooperation are providing negotiation skills and preparing atmosphere of win-win negotiations.

For this purpose, identifying and empowerments of local societies especially stakeholders for finding their effective roles at negotiations are necessary. There for actor and stakeholder analysis is the first step and base for conflict resolution and win-win negotiation between all actors basically government and beneficiaries in countries such Iran.

In other hand, the water resource participatory plans only could be successful when the beneficiaries and local societies understand their roles and believe that how it is related to their benefits and then be equipped with negotiation skills to could be effectively engaged in decision making and implementation of water management.

Abangah social engineering group in regard to his slogan “absolute advantages for all” , believes that implementation of sustainable participatory management through conflict resolution is key for water cooperation and aim to provide promoted model at near future at Iran in this regard.
